Protecting Your Car's Exterior With A Ceramic Coating


Ceramic coatings have grown in popularity due to their impressive ability to provide long-lasting protection and an attractive shine to a vehicle's exterior. However, increased popularity has led to numerous myths and misconceptions that may misguide car owners about this protective addition to their exterior.

Misconception: Ceramic Coatings Are Only Needed For New Automobiles 

A frequent misunderstanding about ceramic coatings is that they are solely for brand-new vehicles. Ceramic coatings may be used on any automobile, irrespective of age or state. In fact, using a ceramic coating on an older car can offer extra protection to its deteriorated paint and defend against additional harm.

When using a ceramic coating on an older automobile, it is crucial to guarantee that the surface is adequately prepared before application. This might necessitate thorough cleaning, paint repair, and polishing to remove any scratches or flaws that could impede the coating's bond to the surface.

Misconception: Ceramic Coatings Are Impervious To Scratches

Another misconception about ceramic coatings is their alleged scratch-proof nature. While ceramic coatings are highly scratch-resistant, they are not entirely immune to scratches. Even the toughest coatings can be scratched or damaged.

To prevent scratches and other damage to your ceramic-coated automobile, practice safe driving habits and proper upkeep. This could entail frequent washing and detailing, being careful when choosing where to park, and even using protective covers when storing the vehicle.

Misconception: Ceramic Coatings Require Only A Single Application During The Life Of The Car

Some automobile owners think ceramic coatings only require one application to provide permanent protection. However, ceramic coatings are not permanent and need periodic reapplication to maintain their protective properties.

Reapplication frequency largely depends on the quality of the ceramic coat and environmental conditions. Typically, reapplying a ceramic coating every few years is advised for optimal protection. However, those living or driving in areas near a body of salt water may need to have this coating applied more frequently. Also, properly maintaining your ceramic-coated automobile can extend the coating's life and prevent premature deterioration.

Misconception: Ceramic Coatings Can Be Applied By Anyone

Applying a ceramic coating to your automobile's exterior demands expertise and experience to achieve the desired finish and maximize its protective properties. It is advised to seek the help of a professional detailer to ensure your ceramic coating is applied correctly and provides maximum benefits. A professional detailer has the knowledge and experience to prepare your car's surface for coating. They can also ensure the coating is applied evenly and cured to maximize durability.

To find out more, contact a company like Blossom Valley Detailing.


27 March 2023

Keeping Your Car Immaculate

For years, I really struggled with the fact that my car was a disgusting mess. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked to keep the interior clean, it was always getting destroyed by one thing or another. However, I realized that by keeping up with the car on a weekly basis, things could be a lot better. I started carefully focusing my energies on making things right, and then helping my kids to make choices that paved the way for a cleaner car. On this website, you can learn all about the details of washing your car and keeping the inside clean. Enjoy!