Truck Covered In Mud From "Mudding"? Services That Can Be Helpful


Whether your truck is covered in mud from "mudding" or from work, you probably want it cleaned up before you take it anywhere else the rest of the day or the days to come. If just the thought of trying to wash or hose it down yourself is exhausting, there are services that can help. The following services you will find most useful in these situations. 

Full-Service Car Wash and Detailing

If you can manage to take your truck to the nearest full-service car wash and detailing business, do that. These places will power-hose down your truck without harming the paint job, then wax and protect it. This is essential when your truck has been covered in mud and rocks/pebbles and could be damaged if a manual car washing could scrape the paint and could cause considerable damage. If there is just too much mud and rocks to move the truck, you can get a wash service to come to you.

Mobile Truck Washing in Your Area

Recently, several different types of companies have been offering mobile services. For example, if you were to shatter or crack your windshield in your truck, mobile windshield repair can bring a new windshield to your location and install it wherever your truck is sitting. Likewise, several truck washing and detailing companies have now gone mobile as well. You may have to do some research to see if mobile truck washing services are available in your area. If they are, you can take full advantage of this full service to clean off your truck as it sits in your driveway or on the side of the road somewhere. Visit a site such as to learn more about this service.

Church Groups Offering Cleaning

In summer, a lot of church youth groups are planning trips. They raise money by selling food and doing car washes and other automotive services. If you are a member of a church, ask the church if they are planning to do any car washes soon. If not, ask if the church can send help to clean off your truck for a donation to the youth group that most needs the funds to go on their trip. It may take a day or two for the church to get back to you, but then you might be able to get lots of helpers to clean off your truck for a fair price. 


19 June 2019

Keeping Your Car Immaculate

For years, I really struggled with the fact that my car was a disgusting mess. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked to keep the interior clean, it was always getting destroyed by one thing or another. However, I realized that by keeping up with the car on a weekly basis, things could be a lot better. I started carefully focusing my energies on making things right, and then helping my kids to make choices that paved the way for a cleaner car. On this website, you can learn all about the details of washing your car and keeping the inside clean. Enjoy!