Car-Detailing Services You Might Want To Keep Your Car Looking And Smelling Like New


If you take pride in your car, you want it to look as nice as possible. This requires regular cleaning and detailing. Keeping your car in good shape also helps it hold value so you get more out of it when you trade it in. By having your car cleaned regularly, you can avoid stains and upholstery wear that is harder to correct later. Car detailing companies provide a variety of services, so you only pay for what you need. Here are some services you might want for your car.

Hand Washing And Drying

If you don't like the idea of using automated car washes due to the potential for damage to your car, then hand washing and drying is the best option. You can pay to have this service done and feel confident your paint or coating on the car won't be damaged in the process. Plus, hand drying gets rid of water spots and streaks so the surface of your car has a deep luster.

Deep Clean Seats And Floors

The upholstery and carpet in your car take a beating. You may use mats and seat covers, but the floors and seats will still need to be vacuumed, shampooed, and deodorized occasionally. Getting grit out of the carpet protects against damage that causes the carpet to show its age. Plus, dried dirt and other stains make the carpet look ugly. You should schedule a cleaning session when you notice stains or dirt on the carpet so they can be taken care of quickly. The same is true for your seats. If you spill food on the upholstery or get mud on the seats, have them cleaned right away before stains can set and be difficult to remove. In addition to emergency cleaning, periodic deep cleaning removes odors so your car always smells fresh inside.

Degrease Wheels And Clean Tires

The wheels on your car pick up grease and dirt that's difficult to remove with routine washing. You may not realize how dirty the wheels are until the grime has been cleaned off of them and they're shiny again. When you have your car detailed, cleaning the wheels and tires is an important step in keeping your car looking like new. This involves the use of wheel cleaners and hand rubbing to remove the grime without scratching the wheels.

Dust And Clean Surfaces

Car detailing also involves cleaning the dash, doors, console, and windows so all the surfaces are free of dust, gummy stains, and dirt. The dash, doors, and console pick up a lot of debris and dust as you go about daily life in your car. These areas can be difficult to clean due to all the crevices that collect gummy residue. If your car is dirtier than usual inside after a long vacation drive, then a thorough cleaning package that includes deep cleaning the surfaces inside your car could be in order.

Taking time to have your car washed and vacuumed on a routine basis is important when you want your car to always look its best for family, friends, and clients. Routine light cleaning doesn't take that long, and it makes a big difference in how your car looks, smells, and wears out over time.

For more information, get in touch with a company such as A&G Auto Spa & Mobile Detailing.


18 January 2019

Keeping Your Car Immaculate

For years, I really struggled with the fact that my car was a disgusting mess. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked to keep the interior clean, it was always getting destroyed by one thing or another. However, I realized that by keeping up with the car on a weekly basis, things could be a lot better. I started carefully focusing my energies on making things right, and then helping my kids to make choices that paved the way for a cleaner car. On this website, you can learn all about the details of washing your car and keeping the inside clean. Enjoy!